We were created to crave connection. As women, it is natural to desire to find love and companionship. But, if you are careful, you could avoid making common mistakes that may prevent you from attracting the right partner. Single Mom has got you covered. Read on for dating mistakes to avoid as a single mother.

Single moms avoid these mistakes once you're ready to start dating again.4 Dating Mistakes To Avoid As A Single Mother

Not Communicating Your Expectations And Boundaries

One of the most common mistakes single moms make is allowing their partner to determine the pace and commitment level of the relationship. How often have you found yourself in a situation that didn’t align with your true desires? It is easier to attract that connection if you are clear about what type of relationship you want. It is only possible to communicate that to someone else if you are sure. Scroll social media for any amount of time. You may get the sense that admitting you desire companionship is a sign of weakness. But nothing can be further from the truth. You should approach your dating experience with the same mindset as any goal you seek to achieve- begin with the end in mind. Answer this question honestly- What type of relationship do I truly desire?

Settling For Less

After you have decided on your ultimate relationship goal, everyone you entertain from that moment on must take you closer to your goal, not farther from it. If you desire a casual relationship with no strings attached, you should only date people who desire the same. Conversely, suppose your heart’s desire is a committed relationship. In that case, everyone you entertain should not only understand that it should be their ultimate goal as well. Many women make the mistake of engaging people who don’t align with their desires and are disappointed when things don’t work out as planned. This dating experience is yours; you should navigate it on YOUR terms. As a mother, it may be easier said than done, but center yourself in this process. Entering into any connection while dishonoring your desires is a recipe for relationship disaster. Ask yourself: Does this connection align with my heart’s desire?

Trusting Words, Not Actions

Only some people are upfront and honest about their true intentions in these dating streets. Even if they say they desire a casual relationship doesn’t mean they are equipped for the ramifications of that arrangement. The same is true of a committed relationship. Sometimes, people will tell you what they think you want to hear to get what they want. If you need clarification about what that person wants, pay attention to their actions. No one can pretend for very long before their actions reveal the truth. Whenever someone’s actions and words aren’t in alignment, trust their actions. Ask yourself- Are their actions and words in alignment?

Not Enjoying The Moment

As a busy single mom, getting distracted as you are dating is easy. Sometimes it can become use another thing on a long list of things that have to get done. Dating should be fun and enjoyable. It shouldn’t feel stressful or feel like a job. It may be time to take a step back and reassess whenever it begins to feel this way. Some discomfort may come from worrying about past relationships or being overly concerned about the future.

Do you find yourself obsessively wondering if he is the one or trying to read between the lines of something they have said or done? You should know that anyone who truly desires to be in your life will leave no room for doubt in your mind. They will make their intentions known and confirm them with action. Release the expectation of what is to come and enjoy the moments of genuinely getting to know someone. Every date won’t end in a love connection, but it should at least be fun. Ask yourself – Is this interaction fun?

The love that you desire is available to you. As a single mom, it is easy to think that your choices in love are limited, but they are not. Dating is hard, but you may be making it harder than it should be. Being aware of these dating mistakes to avoid as a single mother is the first step toward finding the love you deserve as a single mom.

Have you made any of these dating mistakes? What will you do differently moving forward?