Are you ready to become an organized single mom? Making organization a priority can lead to easier days, less stress, and more fun for you and your children. No, you don’t have to tackle everything at once but commit to one or two of these tips for becoming an organized mom to get started. Suppose you feel overwhelmed by the thought of getting organized. In that case, that’s perfectly normal, especially if this is your new big goal. Start small or start slow. The key is to begin. 

11 tips for becoming an organized mom.

11 Tips For Becoming An Organized Mom 


Let’s start the list with self-care because it helps put everything in place when you feel good. The reverse is also true. Getting and staying organized is also a form of self-care and allows you to find more time for self-care. These self-care tips for the start of the school year are also great to incorporate, no matter what the season. 

Use A Planner (paper or digital) 

I don’t know about you, but if I write it down, I will probably remember it. My planner is where I check in with my and our family’s schedules daily. A paper planner is great for people who need to write things out (which also helps with memory). A month-at-a-glance page with daily entries makes it easy to see a snapshot of everything and then each day/week broken down. 

Sync Your Calendar 

Digital planner lovers most likely have their calendars in sync with their planners. But updating your digital calendar is just as important if you’re a paper planner lover. Add events, appointments, and more from your planner to the calendar with alerts so you don’t miss anything. Color coding specific tasks also helps to see what things are priority quickly. 

Set alarms and reminders for important events you can’t miss, and then refer to your color code for everything else. 

To-Do Lists 

To-do lists go hand in hand with planners and calendars. Make a long list by month or week, and then break that down further. Start with a month list, break it down by week, and then break it down by day. Check off each item as you complete them for a boost of achievement and feel-good vibes. I once heard Myleik Teele share that sometimes she goes back and adds things to her to-do list that she completed so she can put a checkmark next to it. And don’t discount all the little things you do in the day to keep yourself and your family moving forward. 


Routines are the backbone of order. Establish morning, evening, and bedtime routines for yourself and your children. Lots of us like to let all routines go on the weekends and holidays, which is perfectly fine because we all deserve to exhale. But some people (especially children) thrive on consistent routines. Do what works best for you and your family. The goal is to create routines and stick to them. 

Some routines to consider implementing:

  • Grocery & Meal Plan Routine 
  • Morning Routine 
  • Afternoon routine for kids 
  • Evening routines 
  • Laundry routine 
  • Cleaning routine 

Declutter & Organize 

Declutter your home, room by room. You can’t do it all in one day, so build decluttering into your calendar and organizing, too. Pick a room, declutter, and then put organization tools in place. Then, move to the next space. Give yourself a realistic timeline based on the current state of the room/project. If a room feels overwhelming, pick one thing and go from there, like a closet or a drawer. Start small and build up from there. Everything needs a place, but don’t buy more organization tools than you need or will use. 

Declutter & Organize Your Digital Life 

Are your inboxes full? You are not alone. While inbox zero may feel daunting, aim to at least get rid of unnecessary emails and spam. Create an email specifically for family/school events and activities. You’re less likely to miss important things if they all come in an email box specific to them. Add a time to digital declutter to your cleaning routine. If you do it once a week, it will be much easier to keep up with. 

Wake Up Early 

Mamas, this one’s for you. Wake up earlier than your children so you can ease into the day. Use this time to meditate, journal, exercise, or review your calendar for the day. You could also have your morning tea or coffee in complete silence. We all may not be morning people, but try getting up earlier for a few weeks and see if it makes a difference in your overall day. 

Go To Bed Early 

In line with waking up early, hit stop on the day and go to bed at a decent time. Many of us stay up later to “breathe” once our children go to bed. But based on the sleep research, we could all use more. While 8 hours is ideal, if you’re only getting 5, then aim for six and so on. When you’re well-rested, it helps with stress and makes for a better day. Just think about how your kids feel when they haven’t had enough sleep. More sleep is good for everyone. Plus, if you go to bed earlier, you may find the earlier wake-up works for you. 


No is a complete sentence. Say that out loud every day and whenever you feel obligated to say yes to something you don’t want to do. Prioritize your schedule, calendar, and routines. 

A yes to an ask is only a yes if it does not disturb your family rhythm. 

Let Go Of Perfection 

No one is perfect. Don’t let perfection stand in the way of small steps that will positively impact your family life. Don’t let social media and that look of perfection make you feel less than. Do what works for you, and remember to feel good about even the most minor steps you make toward your organizational goals. 

Do you have any tips for becoming an organized mom that has worked for you? Please share them in the comments.