About Us

Who We Are
Single Mom Defined rewrites society’s narrative about Black single moms and creates an inclusive, supportive space for all single moms.
Imagine if you Googled yourself and horrible search results popped up on your screen, saying you are damaged goods, trash, and selfish. How would it shape your identity, impact your self-esteem or form others’ opinions about you? Well, that’s exactly what happened when Motor Mouth Multimedia Founder and Nationally Award-Winning Writer Heather Hopson typed “Single Black Mom” into the search bar. When negative narratives flooded the page, she turned her anger into action and formed Single Mom Defined, a photo essay and video series. Fifty mothers wrote a more accurate definition of single parenting, and more than 100 children described their moms using words like joyous, kind, phenomenal, and affectionate. When the exhibit was unveiled, Single Mom Defined surveyed 500 people who admitted to having negative perceptions about single mothers. After exiting the exhibit, 93% stated they now held positive attitudes toward single mothers. The exhibit inspired an online and in-person to elevate the voices of single mothers and redefine public perspectives.
SingleMomDefined.com is a top online destination for guidance on single parenting. The website features personal essays and articles on raising children, money management,
health and wellness, co-parenting, and much more. It also includes a comprehensive, interactive resource directory, which arose from a hackathon to help single moms, especially those experiencing poverty, hack life’s problems with technology solutions. Readers can connect in Single Mom Defined’s Facebook group, which consists of 2,000+ members and offers online programming, such as #ResourceWednesdays, #TherapyThursdays, writing workshops and other engaging virtual events. The majority of the group members are mothers between ages 25 and 44, raising one or more children under the age of 18, and residing in Pennsylvania. An additional 25,000+ others across the United States and overseas follow Single Mom Defined’s social media channels.
Single Mom Defined connects mothers to resources, advocacy opportunities, and each other through various in-person activities, including our Advocacy Actions, Babysitting Cooperatives, Book Club, Coin Club, Co-parenting Cookout, Self-Care Squad, Moms Night Off, Solo Mom Group and Writing Workshops.

Babysitting Cooperatives
Inspired by Single Mom Defined Member Yvette Shipman, the babysitting cooperatives, funded by The Pittsburgh Foundation, connect moms to each other to live out the African proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child.” The co-ops strengthen support systems, offer certifications and provide mothers temporary relief to address personal needs, such as sleep, medical treatment, or alone time.

Coin Club
Parenting comes at a cost. Just how much money exactly? $235,000! That’s how much a USDA government report found that a middle-income family spent over 17 years. The Coin Club provides resources to help single mothers identify money mistakes, eliminate debt, repair credit, generate wealth, and reach their financial goals.

Co-parenting Cookout
Single Mom Defined celebrates fathers at an annual co-parenting cookout. The event aims to build a village that centers children and their needs and heal fractured co-parenting relationships. Whether connecting to a counselor, a co-parent or financial and emotional resources at the cookout, single parents are reminded that they don’t have to raise children all alone.

Self-Care Squad
Single mothers are busy! So the Self-Care Squad makes sure they don’t pour from an empty cup. Whether it’s taking part in self-love challenges, joining the walking club, or participating in collective counseling sessions, Single Mom Defined designs self-care strategies to fit into the tight schedules of single moms. If moms become overwhelmed, they can call Single Mom Defined’s 1-800 number to hear the monthly motivational message.

Moms Night Off
What’s for dinner? That’s probably the most asked question of kids across the country. Sometimes moms don’t know the answer, don’t have the money to go grocery shopping, or have the energy to make a meal after a long week at work. Moms Night Off gives moms a night off from cooking and delivers dinner and self-care items to hundreds of families. The no contact, porch deliveries are similar to DoorDash, but at no cost to moms, thanks to a partnership with the Women and Girls Foundation, Roxanne’s Catering and 412 Food Rescue. After dinner, moms participate in virtual self-care activities, like meditation, yoga and dance classes. Recently, Moms Night Off received media coverage from The Today Show.

Solo Mom Group
Single Mom Defined’s Cherrell Fulton and Caprice Scott formed a subgroup to better meet the needs of mothers raising children alone. Solo moms, while considered single mothers, face unique challenges, since their children’s fathers are no longer in their lives for various reasons, such as death, incarceration or abandonment. Solo moms host monthly meetings to connect with others facing the same circumstances and share resources and services.

Book Club
As single moms, support often comes in the form of words. Words that encourage. Words that motivate. Words that remind you that you’re not alone. That’s why Single Mom Defined Member Sonya Singleton launched the Book Club, in partnership with Carnegie Library. Each quarter, moms read a book and meet online or in-person to discuss it.

Resource Directory
Single Mom Defined’s Resource Directory connects thousands of mothers to resources and services their families need to not only survive but also thrive. Currently, 77 percent of impoverished households in Pittsburgh are headed by single moms. Most have an average of eight basic needs, however, no one organization can meet them all. The resource directory helps mothers, especially those experiencing poverty, easily navigate complex systems.

Writing Workshops
By participating in a series of writing workshops facilitated by Award-Winning Author and Speaker GG Renee, members rewrite society’s narrative about Black single moms. The personal essays are published on the website and featured in the art exhibition.
Partner With Us
Single Mom Defined is a limited liability company (LLC), which works with partners directly or through a fiscal sponsorship at the Women and Girls Foundation. WGF is a 501c3 organization with a mission to achieve equality for women and girls, now and for generations to come.
Single Mom Defined offers countless ways to collaborate! Partners can:
- Advertise on the Website
- Sponsor a Writing Workshop
- Sponsor Blog or Social Media Posts
- Book a Speaker or Panel Discussion
- Sponsor a Self-Care Squad Activities
- Install Single Mom Defined Art Exhibit
- Support Babysitting Cooperative or Solo Moms Group
- Sponsor Moms Night Off Event or Co-Parenting Cookout
Email hello@singlemomdefined.com for partnership details!